top 5 tipsCarpet cleaning may not seem to be a difficult task to do, but can present a number of challenges when the efforts you’ve put-in went in vain. It’s important to know that sometimes, you get caught in the middle of situation whereby, despite your best efforts at cleaning your carpet; yet the carpet will still become friends with spills, drops, dust, as well as whatever’s on the bathroom slippers. This situation can be annoying and frustrating especially if you’re the type that takes personal hygiene seriously. However, we have here, 5 amazing secrets for you, so that you can professionally handle the problem and give your carpet a new look.

1. Don’t Rub Stains, Instead Blot Them
Almost everyone is guilty of this, but there’s actually nothing wrong with rubbing your carpet if you are 100% sure of best result while cleaning stains through rubbing the carpet. However, professionally-wise, you are not advised to rub the stains, instead blot them. Experts suggest that, in carpet cleaning, you don’t rub stains, because rubbing is said to cause the particles to force down the ground and find their ways into the carpet fibers, and this may eventually lead to the premature breakdown of the carpet. Therefore, blotting is always considered the best way of cleaning stains, as it done only by pressing a piece of cloth on the affected area.

2. Shaving Cream Is A Perfect Remover Of Stains
Not too many people know about this, that is why we’re sharing it here. For example, if you are a resident of Allentown Pa. and you are looking for a perfect tip to clean your carpets, you can simply buy a shaving cream and apply it directly on the affected area, while allowing it to dry for at least 30 minutes. After that, get a piece of fine cloth to blot the stains, and it will completely vanish without any hassle. However, if you’re skeptical about trying this, you can contact us to handle that for you.

3. Use Dishwasher Detergent To Clean Grease-Stains
This may sound unbelievable but it actually does a great job when you do it carefully. In carpet cleaning, there are tips that may not seem to work but they actually do, and using dishwasher detergent like “Joy” to clean grease-stains off your rug or leather carpet has been proven effective. All you need to do is, get a dishwasher detergent, and split some pieces in a cup or a bowl; stir the solution very well with water and put it in a spray bottle. Simply spray it on the affected and area and blot the stains away.

4. Use Heat Wax To Remove Candle Wax From A Carpet
As the saying goes “the best way to catch a thief is to behave like one.” That is just what we’re trying to point out here, by using a heat wax to remove a candle wax from your carpet. We suggest that, since sometimes, burning candle in the house can lead to dripping of the wax on the carpet and eventually got dried up; you are to make use of a pressing iron and place a clothing material beneath it before finally and gently pressing the iron (for not more than 25 seconds) on the candle wax to heat it. After that, use a knife to remove the particles and sweep the area with broom.

5. Use Hydrogen Peroxide To Remove Bloodstains
Sometimes our hands, fingers, etc may get cut and blood will drop into the carpet. Some carpets may hide the stains while others will vividly show it. And now, studies have shown that hydrogen peroxide is highly effective in removing bloodstain from the carpet. Therefore, you are to loosen the dried blood using mild detergent and then scrape off the amount of particles you can, before applying the hydrogen directly on the area. The mixture will form mild foam to tell you that the hydrogen has worked it out, and then use a towel or a hard cloth to dap the surface. It is as simple as ABCD.

These are some of the carpet cleaning secrets you should know. Thank you for reading.

About the Author Egzona@shareadvancedllc.com

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